Monday, May 12, 2008

Blue Whale

The blue whale is the largest animal in that has ever lived on earth. It can weigh up to 136,400kg and grow as long as 34m. It has a slim outline, especially in the winter, although it fattens in the summer. The tiny dorsal fin is set well to the rear of the body. 55-68 flexible throat grooves run along half the body length. It's colour is mainly pale blue-gray.

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blue whale info

The blue whale usually feeds at depths of less than 100m. A dive usually lasts 10-20 minutes. When making a deep dive, the whale "headstands," exposing its wide tail fluks, then descends steeply. On returning to the surface, the whale releases a "blow," about 9m high, consisting of warm, humid air from the lungs, mucus, and ocean water. Blue whales have very deep voices and can vocalize at a volume of greater than 180 decibels, the loudest sound of any animal. Blue whales are usually solitary or in pairs, although they may gather in loose groups to feed.